Apple Motion Pictures-The Rise

Today marks the day of  a very important event. The release of AMP's -Robot Boy- . After a year long break, Amal Baiju and his production 'Apple Motion Pictures' is finally back with another one of his brilliant creations. 'The Mobile Blog' as a partner of AMP productions has decided to jointly celebrate this auspicious event...
An engineering student from SJCET ,Amal Baiju, as a child, always dreamt of getting in to the world of acting, production and directing. Despite facing hard criticism and demotivation from many , Amal has quite lived up to his dream by his hardwork and sheer determination.  "I was not the kind of guy , who was more into studies, ever since childhood I've been more into the commercial part, more into movies." says Amal Baiju. "I always dreamt of having my own unified productions, with everyone joining in it. A success story where we all share its fruit".
In today's world where every parent want to follow the current trend of making their children a doctor or an engineer, Amal's case was no different. Choosing the line of Engineering is like inviting the causes of peer pressure, tension , lack of time etc etc,but yet facing all these hardships, Amals obsession never died out."The main thing that separates us from our dreams,, the current trend,, where many think that having a degree is having your life set".......
His dream materialized at the age of 14, his first video was 'Pichle Saat Din', which didn't turn out quite the way he wanted, however he did not loose hope and produced the video 'Choupsy' which was a huge hit and thus started his journey towards realizing his dream. From then on giving us entertaining videos like 'My Generation' to emotional ones like 'Home Sweet Home' and many more, Amal has displayed his talent on every field the world of cinema has to offer and will still continue in exploring the new ones. 
Hardships, obstacles and barriers are all a part of one's life, but dealing with all these and yet following your dream is a whole different story. That's what AMP's latest video is all about. The topic of "Hope". Based on the music of Linkin Parks-Robot boy, the video is a small story which portrays the true dreams of 10 students and the reality we all face. 'Robot boy' will be released in 2 volumes respectively.
Whether or not Amals true dream becomes a reality is still a question but on the path he currently is , success is bound to follow..Wishing Amal Baiju and his team loads of luck, sucess and blessings. 

Link to the video-


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